Malaysia Fights Sexual Disorders Homosexuality and LGBT

By Amrutha Gayathri: Subscribe to Amrutha's RSS feed

April 6, 2012 5:03 AM EDT

Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has announced funding for counselors to tackle people facing "sexuality problems" and "sexual orientation disorders like LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender)," regional media reports said.

Amen! In the past four years the whole of Westernized Society led by the Obama Administration has turned Christian Nations and Christian Culture inside out.  In Obama’s worldwide push the normalization of male and female sexual disorders like Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Bisexualism, and Transgenderism, he is not only seeking Equal Rights and Equal Protections as once posed to be these group’s stated goal, but rather the people involved in these aberrant sexual lusts are in the process of obtaining super-citizenship as we forewarned believers 5- 6  years ago,    

Publicly all references of happy married couples are being suppressed in favor of all things homosexual and LGBT. beginning in the public grade schools. We are seeing marriage between one man and one woman being treated as if it is sinful corrupt and perverse by this administration’s minions. 

To see the few nations that are standing up against the Obama Administration’s carrot and stick treatment to promote aberrant sexual disorders and communism around the world deserves our praise and prayer support.       

Yassin, speaking at the launch of 'National Counseling, Education and Career Carnival and Improving Professional Counseling' seminar at a Malaysian University, said the government funding "includes counseling skills for those faced with sexuality problems which threatens the integrity of the family institution," Malaysia's Sun Daily reported.

"The symptoms of sexual orientation disorder like LGBT, which was previously faced by the Western society, are now faced in our society also. I believe that through an effective counseling approach, we will be able to curb this negative phenomenon from spreading in our community."

The government has allocated RM 100,000 (about $32,600) and a promise of more funding in future to the Malaysian International Counseling Association for training counselors to "cure" people belonging to the LGBT community.

The LGBT community has always been targeted by harsh Malaysian laws, which criminalize sodomy, with the government holding the right to deport visiting foreign Cabinet ministers or diplomats, if they are gay. 

In 2010, the Malaysian Film Censorship Board announced it would only allow depiction of homosexual characters as long as the characters repent or die.

Malaysia sent 66 adolescent boys, thought to be gay, to a camp to teach them "masculine behavior," last year.

The state education director, Razali Daud, had reportedly said that the camp was designed "to guide them back to the right path in life before they reach a point of no return. Such effeminate behavior is unnatural and will affect their studies and their future."

"We can't force the boys to change, but we want them to know what their choices are in life. Some effeminate boys end up as a transvestite or a homosexual, but we want to do our best to limit this," Daud said.

Earlier this year, gay rights activists had launched a legal battle against the government in an effort to overturn a ban imposed last year on a "sexual independence" festival, which has been held annually in Malaysia since 2008.

The event showcases musical performances and talks about sexuality and related issues.

The authorities prevented the event from taking place after Muslim organizations, along with some of the country's politicians, called it "inappropriate" and risked disrupting public peace.

Malaysian court upheld the ban on the festival with the Judge Rohana Yusuf concluding the judicial review like this: "The police are empowered under Section 27 of the Police Act to stop an event for investigation purposes." She added, "The country will come to a standstill if everyone wants to call for a review of actions taken by the police." The judge found the application for judicial review to be "very academic and speculative in nature" since "the event has ended and there is no guarantee that police will ban the festival again in 2012."